I've been thinking a lot about this and I think a lot of us don't see ourselves as we really are. We definitely don't see ourselves the way our friends and loved ones see us. I think it's unfortunate that I am often my hardest critic.
Take the Golden Rule for example. We've all heard that we should treat others the way we want to be treated; we learned to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. However I think a lot of us do a better job of loving others than we do of loving ourselves. I know I wouldn't dream of walking up to my best friend Emily and telling her she looks really bloated today, or that her shirt makes her look pregnant. Aside from the fact that these things aren't true, I would never think to criticize my friends like that. It makes me feel sad to even think of hurting her that way. And even if Emily were to gain a pound or two I most likely either wouldn't notice or wouldn't say anything about it. If I gain a pound or two on the other hand, I rip myself to shreds. If Emily came to me and said she'd gained a few pounds and felt bad about it, I would support and encourage her. It's only been recently that I've been trying to do the same with myself.
My friend Kelsey is working on this issue as well. She and I were talking the other day about trying to love our bodies more. She brought up the point that we are our bodies. It sounds obvious, but sometimes I forget this. It's easy to pick myself to pieces and let the hatred of certain areas of my body roll through me. My problem area is my stomach. When I lose weight, I still have a tummy pooch, and when I gain weight I look a few months pregnant. No joke - I've been asked when I'm due before. Recently though I've been trying to think of ways to love my tummy. I've been doing a lot of ab exercises and can feel my stomach muscles getting stronger and tighter, and I am grateful for this.
Kelsey also brought up the idea of negative self talk, and how that can effect how our bodies function. Think about it: if we are our bodies and we are constantly telling certain areas of our bodies how much we hate them, why would they perform for us the way we want them to? Maybe if I love and appreciate my strengthening body it will encourage it to continue to grow stronger. It's easy to love the parts of ourselves that get complimented a lot. I was lucky to born with dark hair and blue eyes, and my eyes get commented on a lot. They are my favorite feature for obvious reasons, and even when I'm fat my eyes are still pretty.
I'm sick of being described as "the girl with the pretty face" though. And as much as I love my eyes, I don't want them to be the only pretty thing about me. I'd like to just be pretty, as simple as that. I think maybe not being so harsh on myself with the parts of me that aren't so pretty might be a good first step. I'm also taking steps to change my lifestyle to support this goal.
Like Carrie, I've been blessed with a great circle of friends who love and support me. They see me for me, and remind me of how far I've come. In the end of the Sex and the City episode Carrie does do the fashion show. She looks amazing, but partway down the runway she trips and falls flat on her face. However, she picks herself up and keeps strutting, earning a High 5 from Heidi Klum. Carrie says that "little act of bravery" inspired her friends to be brave and face fears of their own.
So world, here is my little act of bravery:
I currently weigh 165. In December of last year I weighed over 200 pounds. My weight has fluctuated a lot over the course of my life (more on that to come in a future blog), but every time I've lost weight I've given up on maintenance because it's too hard. Every time I gained the weight back I would hate myself a little more. I am finally committed to changing my life for good. This means eating healthy most if not all of the time. It means exercising in some form every day, even if it's just a long walk. And it means loving and appreciating all of me, not just my eyes.
Here's me in December:

Here's me now:

I still have a little ways to go but I'm proud of my progress.
Kelsey's goal is to try and think of a different thing to love about herself each day. I am trying to do this as well. I hope I've inspired you to think of yourself in a new light, and to think of ways to love yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right about how we are our own worst enemies. I remember during college when I gained the freshman 15 (or 30 in my case), and the attention and comments I received from others totally changed. At one point, a man in a club told me I didn't match the beauty of the friends I was with. That really hurt, but I decided basing my self-esteem on a drunken club-guy's interpretation wasn't too accurate. Besides, I was working and studying non-stop. In the end, as the years have passed, I too have learned how to eat healthier and workout in a way that is good for my body. I love the results, but more so realized the change had to come from the inside-out. I just love your blogs! Keep up all the good work, and I think you look beautiful no matter what your size.
Diana (Carmen's daughter, Cassy & Brittany's cousin)
Dear Crystal,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thank you Diana, you are absolutely right about what you said. I think most women, over 95%, have poor body images. It stems from what we see on the media, women with perfect bodies. I've always hated my stubborn cellulite that No amount of exercise will conquer! It's supposed to be genetic, but my grandma had great legs and so does my mom. I have always admired your wisdom and I think you've got it right: we need to love ourselves and our bodies. We should all help support each other and we need to stop the negative self-talk because it affects our self-esteem. Kelsey had a great idea - maybe even write some positive messages on post-it notes and put them up. I appreciate how candid you are in your blogs - keep up the good work and I hope many people continue to read them. You are an amazing, intelligent, beautiful woman and I hope you know how proud I've always been of you! You inspire me!
love you! Mom
Thanks ladies! Your comments mean so much to me!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you Crystal! I definitely needed to be reminded of this. I can't remember the last time I said something nice to my body! And that's sad! But I'm planning to start today!
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing and beautiful person, and I feel so blessed to have you in my life.
Off to tell my thighs that I love them!